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Tagged articles - .NET Core

Found 63 articles tagged with .NET Core

Monitoring Redis key events in .NET Core
Key event subscriptions for DEL, SET, EXPIRED key events in Redis using .NET Core
Some time ago I wrote an article about Reloading the cache automatically once expired is ASP.NET MVC. The piece of code represented in that article is build on top of .NET Framework 4.7.2...read more
Deploying .NET Core WebJobs to Azure using Azure Build Pipeline
Using Azure Build and Release pipeline to deploy WebJob to a WebApp instance
Azure WebJobs are a great way to run background processes for your Web application on hosted on Azure WebApp. Althought Microsoft does not yet provide Visual Studio project templates for .NET Core (it only has built in project template for .NET framework 4.x) it is still possible to develop WebJob using .NET Core and run in on a WebApp...read more
Writing Azure WebJobs with dependency injection in .NET Core
Take advantage of .NET Core native dependency injection in Azure WebJob
WebJobs are a great way to run recurrent background tasks that support your application. They come as a part of Azure App Service/Web App serverless model...read more
Publishing .NET Core code analysis to SonarCloud from Azure build pipeline
How to get your code analysis in SonarCloud directly from Azure DevOps build pipeline
Code analysis is and important part of application development. It can point to a potential bottle necks or code cluttering during the development process...read more
Using dispatcher class to resolve CQRS commands and queries in ASP.NET Core
Injecting dispatcher class instead of multiple commands and queries in controller constructor
Recently I wrote an article about Automatic CQRS handler registration in ASP.NET Core with reflection in order to reduce number of lines for registering command and query to IOC container in ASP.NET Core. However, this solution does reduce lines for service registration in the startup, you still need to add all command and query handlers as parameters to the controller constructor. ...read more
Localization of the DTOs in a separate assembly in ASP.NET Core
Localizing validation messages in ASP.NET Core WebAPI
Since REST services do not have the UI, there is not much space for the localization. Data is sent and retrieved and most of the decisions is made based on the status code of the response...read more
Why you should not use Authorize attributes to protect your API endpoints
Protecting ASP.NET Core WebAPI without using Authorize attribute
Authentication is an essential component of pretty much any REST API. Most of the resources you expose through REST API services, unless they are protected inside intranet, need to be protected by some kind of authentication. This is pretty much clear and it is easy achieved by just simply decorating your controller actions or even whole controllers with Authorize or AllowAnonymous attributes. ...read more
Managing images on filesystem using Repository pattern in .NET Core
Repository pattern in action for managing files
It is not uncommon that for records in database you need to store image files or other documents related to the specific record on the file system. Storing documents related to the database records on the file system is not a silver bullet...read more
Reading coordinates from the photo in .NET Core
Accessing GPS coordinates metadata of a photography using C# and .NET Core
Pretty much all models of digital cameras including smartphones have ability and usually by default store additional metadata along with the image itself taken. This data is stored in EXIF format and you can easily see it if you are a Windows user by checking the properties of the photography file. ...read more
Making reflection in .NET Core work faster
Techniques for optimizing reflection in C#
Reflection allows accessing type structure and its meta-data in runtime. Using reflection, you can dynamically instantiate objects, access fields, methods and properties regardless of the protection level...read more
Speech to text mp3 audio files using Azure Cognitive Services and .NET Core
Transcribe mp3 audio files to text using Azure SpeechServices and C#
There is a big buzz about AI these days and major Cloud vendors like Amazon Web Services, Azure, Google Cloud are competing to bring better products to their platforms for variety of AI tasks. One of these services is speech recognition and generating transcription text from the audio. I recently worked on a project which involved transcribing large amount of daily generated audio recordings...read more
SqlBulkCopy object collection to database table with C#
Performing SqlBulkCopy with collection of objects as a source data
Over the time various techniques to manipulate database data have evolved in .NET. Entity Framework is certainly the most advanced one, but for small ad hock applications where you have few inserts to deal with, ADO is still the fastest way to write data to the database...read more
Filtering and paging collection result in ASP.NET Core Web API
Paging response data in ASP.NET Core WebApi projects
Paging a REST API response is equally important as filtering the data returned through REST API endpoints and they quite often come together. Just like filtering, paging limits the amount of data returned from the endpoint, saving both client and server side resources...read more
Running .NET Core on Raspberry PI with Raspbian Stretch
Setting up .NET Core on Raspbery Stretch Linux distribution running on Raspberry PI
Apart from running on Windows and Linux both x86 and x64 architecture, .NET Core is an ideal platform for IOT (Internet of things) projects because it can also run on ARM32 and ARM64. This means you can run it pretty much any device with both RISC or CISC processor architecture. If you are .NET developer or you are familiar with .NET platform and C# language, this means you can now write applications that run on Raspberry Pi which is based on RISC architecture by writing them in Visual Studio...read more
The best option to use for a return type in ASP.NET Core WebAPI controller
Choosing the proper return type for WebApi controller actions
Starting from .NET Core version 2.1, there are so far three types of WebApi responses that controller actions can return. All three types had it's own pros and cons but all are lacking in options to satisfy both REST and the high level of testability. The available response types in ASP.NET Core including recently released 2.2 version are ...read more


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